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"Life.6 Pandemonium at the School Trip" is the seventh episode of the fourth season of the High School DxD anime. It aired on May 22, 2018.


After summoning Rias in her underwear, Issei is told by Elsha, a previous yet the most powerful possessor of the Sacred Gear that had Ddraig; to poke Rias' boobs to power up and use his potential against Cao Cao and the Hero Faction. As he was going to take down a beat, the rift that was supposed to only appear when Great Red appears only surprised Cao Cao when it was another Dragon King with the Buddha, Sun Wukong himself, appeared.

As they fought, the Dragon King, Yu-Long, tried his best to knock out Yasaka in her fox form with the help of Saji and Vritra. After the departure of Belzard and Elsha, Issei unlocked his potential and used it against Cao Cao, injuring him only a bit when he was coughing blood when he was tackled into his stomach.

Issei used all of his potential to injure Cao Cao as Sun Wukong accompanies Issei to fight the Hero Faction. However, Cao Cao extends his Longinus but to only be blocked by Sun Wukong's finger as he is a Buddha of Chinese mythology. As the Hero Faction retreats, Issei demands another attack and his blast was powered up by a touch of Sun Wukong's staff which injured Cao Cao's eye, angering him and telling Issei to be stronger than Vali in order to see the true form of his Longinus.

Everyone has come to their senses and Kunou burst into tears, realizing that her mother is there by her side and calls out to her, but to no avail. However, Sun Wukong had an idea of using Issei's Booblingual and his power, they were able to make an interaction with Kunou and her mother. As Princess Yasaka metamorphoses back into her human form, Kunou hugged her mother and everyone rejoiced.

Soon later, Issei and the rest of the Gremory family returned home with Azazel and Issei says his goodbyes to Kunou, promising to see her again sometime. After the train arrived at the station that was in the same area as Kuoh Academy, everyone was gathered in Issei's mansion where Rias, Akeno and Koneko were displeased of how Issei did not contact them after Kinkaku-ji. After Issei had a little argument with Azazel, Koneko punches Issei.


Original airdate: May 22, 2018

Featured Characters[]

(Numbers indicate the order of appearance. New characters are listed in bold.)

Three Factions Khaos Brigade Others

Important Notes[]



Differences between Light Novel and Anime[]

Miscellaneous Trivia[]

External Links[]

